Firefighters responding to a fire at the Bridgetown Baptist Church the morning of April 26. Photo: Darrin Mack.
Firefighters were called to the Bridgetown Baptist Church around 7 a.m. on Friday after receiving reports of smoke coming from the church’s roof.
“We got there and the fire was starting to come through the walls and starting to show through the roof near the entryway,” said Bridgetown Fire Chief Randy Sheridan. “It’s an old building that’s had lots of renovations, we did what we could but it’s a complete loss,”.
The Church dates back to the 1890s and is located on Bridgetown’s main street- Granville Street (also known as Highway 3). The road was shut for most of Friday morning but has since reopened.
Chief Sheridan says it was essentially extinguished around 11 a.m. and no one was injured.
The cause of the fire is still unknown.