Doctors Nova Scotia wants you to ‘Make Your Move.’
A social media campaign through their Healthy Tomorrow Foundation has launched once again.
The goal is to get Nova Scotians moving more throughout the day, and reduce sedentary behaviour.
Executive Director of the foundation Kerry Copeland says all movement counts toward being healthy.
“It’s no longer just about joining a gym or going for a jog to make us feel good and be healthy. We can also use little movements throughout the day to break up our sedentary time and make us feel good,” says Copeland.
She says the campaign is for everyone, but it targets women between the ages of 40-60, a segment of the population that is one of the most inactive.
Copeland says it can help, especially in these times.
“And people are so stressed right now, that taking the opportunity to move and giving yourself some time is also great for your mental health.”
She says it can enhance mobility, improve your mood and connect with other people, while setting a foundation for healthy behaviour.
Some things you can do is park at the rear of the lot at the grocery store, get off the bus a stop early, or standing and stretching at your desk.
Copeland says the best piece of exercise equipment is yourself.
Visit for more information.